What is Creative ReUse?

Creative Reuse is when the addition of creativity brings a new function and a second (or third) new life to unwanted materials that might otherwise end up in a landfill. Thus extending the usefulness of an item and delaying its entrance into the waste continuum.

Creative reuse embraces a multitude of possibilities, from creative reuse centers to upcycling ideas posted on platforms such as Pinterest. Through up-cycling or creative reuse by -products, waste materials or unwanted items are transformed into new materials or products to their quality or value and give these items a “Second life” and new function.

Other terms similar to Creative Reuse are Re-Purposed, Re-Considered, Re-Loved, Up-Cycled, Fount Art, Purposeful Art, Loved Again and Sustainable, Green or Eco-Friendly Crafting.

What is a Creative ReUse Business and are there others out there like it?

Creative Reuse ventures, like Tinker’N, are out there and can take on many forms. Some start out as “pop up” shops as they gain support for establishing a creative reuse center for their community.

Creative reuse centers, also known as scrap stores or teacher resource centers, collect and distribute unwanted industrial, commercial, and residential items, for use by teachers, artists, families, nonprofit organizations, and others. Creative reuse centers can be found in communities across the nation and around the world.

Creative reuse centers can be multi-faceted operations, offering classes, events, selling supplemental retail supplies (educational guides, crafting supplies, crafting kits, etc.), and selling handmade crafts.

What types of materials do you use at Tinker’N?

The vast possibilities of materials we could creatively reuse are virtually endless and it would be impossible to list them all. Often times the most exciting items are the items we did not even know existed. Before you throw something away… Ask yourself: Is this really trash? Could it be repurposed and reconsidered and given a “second life”? Check out our comprehensive list of possible items we would consider for donation along with some items we are not able to accept.

I own a business and we generate a lot of waste material, will you take them?

If you own a business, we’d love to work with you. We take materials such as seconds, off cuts, left overs, bubble wrap, end of rolls and their cardboard tubes, unique boxes product may come out of (ie cigar boxes) along with other bits and bobs that can be reused or reconsidered.

If there is something that you believe may lend itself to creatively being reused or have any other questions about your items please contact us.

Who are your clients?

Everyone! I know you are not suppose to say this but it is true - age, ability, background, status, education, skill level, creativity ability… - it does not matter. Some individuals may require a little more instigating to get them to tinker, but once engaged they really get into it. If you have an open mind and willingness to try then you can tinker.

For those who say… “But, I have difficulty seeing”, “my fingers don’t work like they use to”, “I struggle to read directions” … What about me?

Activities can be adapted or modified depending on your needs. Here at Tinker’N we set you up for success so that you can have the best experience possible. If you have a special need that requires an adjustment to the project let us know.

AND, for all those out there that say they are not creative - Well, I disagree, we all have creativity in us. We may not all be artists or crafters but we are all inherently creative and it may be buried deep within but, it is still there. So, if there is an inkling of desire to tap into your creative side in a safe, non-judgment, fun, let’s not be perfect space, then give Tinker’N a try.